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: Francisco Goya

Category: Francisco Goya

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About Us About Us Located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in the city of Claremont, California, 35 miles east of Los Angeles, The Claremont Colleges are a geographically contiguous set of five top-ranked liberal arts undergraduate colleges and two graduate institutions, uniquely configured to support and encourage interdisciplinary study. The Claremont Colleges Library, a part of The Colleges' supporting organization, the Claremont University Consortium, support all seven academic institutions across a wide spectrum of disciplines. The library holds more than 2 million print volumes and provides access to a vast array of electronic resources, both subscription and Open Access.

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Display of Goya Prints Featured at the NLM Thirteen prints by Francisco Goya (1746-1828) , a Spanish painter who stands among the first modern artists, are on display at the National Library of Medicine. Although Goya held a position as court painter to Spain's King Charles IV, he often mocked the powerful in his paintings and satirized Spain's government and church. His depictions of hospital patients, torture chambers, the poor, and people in complex psychological states, transformed the unmentionable into fit subjects for art. Two of the works are first editions created by Goya, while the others are "restrikes" printed by others using Goya's original plates.

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