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About the collections All images come from the Special Collections Department , Toronto Reference Library, Toronto Public Library. This concludes our virtual exhibition on Fraternal Societies in Canada. Click on the links below to explore some of our recent virtual exhibits:   Or click here to explore all the Toronto Public Library virtual exhibits.  

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1,287 read

About Wayman Crow The youngest in a family of twelve children, Wayman Crow was born in Hartford, Kentucky, on March 7, 1808. Crow first entered the dry goods business in 1820, when he began a five-year apprenticeship in a general dry goods store in Kentucky. By 1828, he was operating his own dry goods store, and he moved to St. Louis in 1835. In partnership with his cousin, Joshua Tevis of Philadelphia, he established the wholesale dry goods house of Crow & Tevis. In later years, the business would be known as Crow, McCreery & Company Crow, Hargadine & Company, and Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Company. In 1840, Crow was elected to the Missouri state senate, on the Whig ticket. He was elected to a second term in the senate in 1850.

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1,885 read

Celebrating Women The achievements of women have marked every aspect of Washington University history, in its excellence of teaching, in the depth of its research, and in the lives of so many students. We hope you will enjoy browsing the thematic topics of this online exhibit, which are listed on the right-hand menu. Each section contains multiple pages of information. The exhibit may also be searched by keyword, or you can select "Browse Items" or "Browse Collections" to view lists of materials used in this exhibition. The stories of these accomplishments could fill pages upon pages. This exhibit can only offer a beginning look into this history by highlighting some of these women and their accomplishments.

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1,808 read

About the Ezra Cornell Papers Preface Ezra Cornell referred to himself as a farmer and mechanic who had spent some time working in the telegraph industry. His ambition and imagination, however, were not so prosaic. Skillful work, uncommon tenacity, and fortuitous circumstances resulted in his amassing a fortune. As soon as it became clear that it was a fortune, he promptly rejected conventional practice and sage advice, and directed that those riches be used to found a unique university: a comprehensive and practical institution dedicated to all forms of intellectual endeavor.

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1,953 read

A Digital Collection of Cornell's University Archives The Cornell University Digital Archives is a collection of publications from the Cornell University Archives, comprising of a total of 26,481 pages dealing with the history of Cornell University. These materials date from 1868 until 1945 and involve a number of different publications including annual reports, class books and University registers. For a a complete listing of our digital collection click on the browse link.

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1,813 read

About Introduction The Cornell University Library and the Cornell Daily Sun are collaborating on an ambitious new digitization project to provide online access to the Sun's historical files. All of the original newspapers will be scanned and made available on a web site maintained by the Cornell University Library. For more than 120 years, the Sun has provided news, information, and entertainment to the entire Cornell community. Accounts of campus events and activities, sports reporting, and editorial commentary all contribute to make the Sun one of the most important sources of information on the history of the university.

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3,911 reads

  When Donald Winslow (A34, MA35), contacted the Digital Collections and Archives in 2007, we decided to create an autobiographical online exhibit containing his memories of Tufts. I had just completed an exhibit about Muriel Simonson (A'29) . A few years younger than Muriel, Donald Winslow and John Holmes (A'29) , Muriel's fiancee, were contemporaries at Tufts, with John Holmes first working as assistant in English at Tufts and then returning as instructor of English in 1934 when Donald began his MA in English.

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1,736 read

Historical State is your gateway to NC State history. Use Historical State to learn something new about NC State or to start your research on a university history topic. Search for information on events and activities that have occurred in the past at NC State, or access historic photos, course catalogs, and online exhibits. Explore the development of campus buildings, student life, the colleges, and the academic departments. Test your knowledge of NC State history in the "Did You Know?" section, or view a timeline to learn about the various activities happening around campus in a given year.

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1,386 read

This online publication reproduces in digital form the text and images from the four University of Chicago Centennial Exhibition Catalogues. These publications were issued in conjunction with a series of exhibitions organized by the Department of Special Collections, now the Special Collections Research Center, to celebrate the 1991-1992 Centennial of the University of Chicago.

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