Category: Arts & Humanities, Text
The NEH-funded Joseph Urban Stage Designs Stabilization and Access Project of 2002-2004 focused on materials relating to Urban's New York theater career from 1914-1933, specifically the documentation of his productions for the Ziegfeld Follies and other theater producers, and his productions for the Metropolitan Opera. The archives of these productions contained many thousands of documents, photographs, sketches, technical drawings, and watercolors, as well as the actual stage models. Some 61 of the models remained fully assembled when acquired by Columbia, while 281 models had been collapsed by the Urban studio into one or more flattened bundles each. Press Release, 5/10/02 Selection for Digitization.
About Women’s Voices is a collection of vividly expressed reminiscences of the earliest women students admitted to the University of Michigan. The quotations were selected from responses to a survey sent in 1924 to all alumnae who had attended the University of Michigan. The more than 3,000 women who responded were among the first in the nation to experience higher education in a coeducational environment, and reported experiences that occurred over 54 years on the campus of the University of Michigan. The responses to the survey were highly individualistic. The alumnae had come to the University from different geographical areas and different backgrounds, and they went from the University into many different fields of endeavor.
About Over the past decade, cross-disciplinary interest in plagiarism and other forms of fraud as a focus of study has resulted from various discourse communities having to deal with serious violations of scholarship norms. Plagiarism, falsification of data, and fabrications have tainted the reputations of individuals, institutions, and professions as a whole. To bring together the various strands of scholarship which already exist on the subject, and to create a forum for discussion across disciplinary boundaries, the new scholarly journal Plagiary exists.
Overview While theoretical biology is often understood to be primarily mathematical in nature, biology is an inherently historical science with a long tradition of conceptual theorizing, from Charles Darwin to the architects of the Modern Synthesis, and continuing through to today. Biological disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to ecology, from cell to developmental biology, and from morphology to paleobiology are characterized by a lively interplay among empirical data, mathematical treatments, and conceptual discussions. Like theoretical biology, philosophy of biology is characterized by its attention to conceptual issues.
Editors Stephen Darwall J. David Velleman Editorial Board K. Anthony Appiah | Richard Arneson | Paul Boghossian | Robert Brandom | Michael Bratman | John Broome | Victor Caston | John Cooper | Mark Crimmins | Kit Fine | Daniel Garber | Richard Heck | David Hills | Louis Loeb | Penelope Maddy | Tim Maudlin | Peter Railton | Gideon Rosen | Nancy Sherman | Michael Smith | Robert Stalnaker | Jason Stanley | Jamie Tappenden | Kendall Walton | Stephen Yablo Production and Publication Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library Director: Maria Bonn OCLC: 45826937 ISSN: 1533-628X LCCN: 2001-212257 Description Philosophers' Imprint is a refereed series of original papers in philosophy, edited by Stephen Darwall and J.
Passages: A Chronicle of the African Humanities (ISSN 1056-6783, first published under ISSN 1053-1319 as a successor to PAS News and Events ) was founded in 1991 at Northwestern University's Program of African Studies as a print serial. Now, with the generous permission of Northwestern University, Passages has been digitized and published online, along with two issues of a new web-based serial called passages (ISSN 1933-5148), in conjunction with the web-based journal GEFAME . passages is no longer actively publishing, but the archive of back issues of Passages and passages (the new series) will be permanently available. Current issue: Past issues Search passages
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Papyrology The 25th International Congress of Papyrology took place at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor from July 29 to August 4, 2007. This was the second time that the Congress convened in Ann Arbor (following the 12th Congress in 1968) and the third in North America (the 16th Congress in 1980 met in New York). Of the approximately 150 papers delivered during the Congress, 80 fully-referreed articles are included in this publication. This is the first time the Proceedings of the International Congress of Papyrology has been published primarily as an online edition. Individual articles are freely available to search, browse, and download.
Winter, 2007 Welcome to Post Identity 's searchable article database. Post Identity is an international, fully-refereed journal of the humanities. It features text-based and multi-media scholarship that problematizes the narratives underlying individual, social, and cultural identity formations; that investigates the relationship between identity formations and texts; and that argues how such formations can be challenged. If this is the first time you have explored Post Identity , we invite you to visit the journal's home page at Post Identity produced nine issues between 1997 and 2007.
Volume 15, 2011 : Families & Transitions Michigan Family Review (MFR) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary publication of the Michigan Council on Family Relations (MiCFR) and focuses on professional application and scholarly inquiry. Traditionally, MFR has been published once a year with each volume highlighting a single theme. MFR provides a forum for a wide range of professionals and others interested in strengthening family life. Readers and contributors include educators at many levels in several fields, social service staff, researchers, attorneys, medical and health personnel, clergy, and public policy makers, as well as practitioners in community and citizen-action groups, and family members themselves.
Garden and Forest is the first project of the Preservation Digital Reformatting Program in the Library of Congress's Preservation Reformatting Division. It is the first Library of Congress digitizing project to employ Making of America models. Making of America Making of America (MOA) is a digital library comprising reproductions of primary source materials in American social history published in the late-nineteenth century. The original collaborative effort between the University of Michigan and Cornell University to create MOA was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
About Groves Monographs on Marriage and Family is an edited book series, beginning in 2010, based on the annual Groves Conference on Marriage and Family , an interdisciplinary, interprofessional organization of limited invited membership founded in 1934. Groves Monographs publishes work on the leading edges of theory development and empirical research in the field of family studies. Individual volumes are edited by the chairs of the annual Groves Conferences and include peer-reviewed chapters by the conference presenters and invited authors. Topics are timely and provocative with diverse themes. Subscription Groves Monographs on Marriage and Family is an open-access resource. New issues are announced on the Groves Conference website .
Introduction The International Computer Music Association is an international affiliation of individuals and institutions involved in the technical, creative, and performance aspects of computer music. It serves composers, computer software and hardware developers, researchers, and musicians who are interested in the integration of music and technology. ICMA functions include: The International Computer Music Conference The ICMA cosponsors the annual ICMC, which, since its inception in 1974, has become the preeminent yearly gathering of computer music practitioners from around the world.
About As a journal community, we offer the following working definitions to further delineate the scope of our medium: Our mission will be advanced by four primary drivers. 1. Phenomenology JSAS will shift research focus in the academic field of sport management toward a more precise study of distinct phenomena, ideas, and events. In his pioneering work regarding phenomenology in the field of philosophy, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) attempted to shift the focus of philosophy away from large-scale theorization toward a more precise study of discrete phenomena, ideas, and events.
Spring 2009: Volume 16, issue 2 Welcome to The Journal of the International Institute online. This site features full-text articles from 1994-present. Founded in 1994, The Journal of the International Institute is published twice a year by the University of Michigan International Institute. The Journal provides a forum for international area studies specialists who seek to present their ideas to a diverse, non-specialist readership. Contributors are typically affiliated with the University of Michigan as faculty, students, alumni or visitors. Past contributors have included scholars from the social sciences and humanities, as well as professionals and activists with experience and knowledge about global processes, or specific areas of the world.
The Koran About the Koran This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983. The text was provided by the Online Book Initiative and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Like all the versions of this text derived from the Online Book Initiative, it is not free from errors and represents the text as published. We will strive to correct any transcription errors pointed out to us. Last revision 7 January 2000 (corrected a number of typos and encoding problems).
A London Provisioner's Chronicle, 1550–1563, by Henry Machyn: Manuscript, Transcription, and Modernization is an electronic scholarly edition created by Richard W. Bailey, Marilyn Miller, and Colette Moore. The Chronicle was one of the treasures of the library of the antiquarian Robert Cotton, and it was stored in the same bookcase with the Beowulf manuscript. Its location was in the book press surmounted by a bust of the Roman emperor Vitellius, and it takes its shelf mark in the British Library from that location: Cotton Vitellius F.v. In the terrible fire that did so much damage to this library in the early eighteenth century, the 162 leaves of the diary were badly damaged and portions of the outside margins and the top of the text were charred or burned away.
The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Simple Searches : Single word and phrase searches in The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson Boolean Searches : Find combinations of two or three words in a single document, page, or paragraph Proximity Searches : Find the co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases Browse : Browse titles Word Index : Browse through lists of all unique words in the text. Last updated on March 28, 2006.
The Western Michigan University Libraries United States Civil War Collection was launched in 2007 with 8 diaries of men with connections to Michigan or the Midwest. In 2009 the Collection expanded to include a selection of letters by Samuel Hodgman from Climax, Michigan, who served with the 7th Michigan Infantry. The addition of the letters was made possible by a donation from the Friends of the Western Michigan University Libraries in honor of Bettina Meyer, retired Associate Dean. The current collection represents diverse military experiences, ranging from a musician to a prisoner of war. The handwritten originals have full transcriptions that are searchable with subjects.
Center for Japanese Studies: Motion Pictures Reprint Series The University of Michigan has one of the largest faculties for Japanese in the United States. As part of its charter to disseminate advanced research and foster new possibilities for pedagogy, the Publications Program has inaugurated a unique reprint series on Japanese cinema. The site includes monographs, essay collections, journals, billets, and even digitized films. Abé Mark Nornes, Editor
Contemporary Aesthetics (CA) is an international, interdisciplinary, peer- and blind-reviewed online journal of contemporary theory, research, and application in aesthetics. This open-access journal is published on a rolling basis, and new content is freely available on the web at . The publication is annually archived by the University of Michigan Library at this site. This archive consists of the whole CA backfile--from the first to the most recently completed volume --and is fully searchable and can be browsed by title, author, and volume. According to the editors of CA , in recent years aesthetics has grown into a rich and varied discipline.
This collection of Middle English texts was assembled from works contributed by University of Michigan faculty and from texts provided by the Oxford Text Archive, as well as works created specifically for the Corpus by the HTI. The HTI is grateful for the permission of all contributors. For more information on the source of individual titles, please consult the bibliography. All texts in the archive are valid SGML documents, tagged in conformance with the TEI Guidelines, and converted to the TEI Lite DTD for wider use.