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This animal rights research site was designed by the NCSU Computer Science Senior Design Center students Shane Smith, Brenda Loehfelm, Sherry Pitz, Alan Seales, and Matt Senter, in consultation with the NSCU Libraries’ Special Collections, Digital Library Initiatives, and Systems Departments.

1,913 read

In 1991, Charles E. Little and The Johns Hopkins University Press donated the core of what would become the Greenways Archive at NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center. After the completion of his path-breaking book, Greenways for America, Charles E. Little wanted to donate his impressive collection of greenways material to an academic institution that was committed to the development of greenways systems across the United States. NCSU was chosen as the repository for the Archive because of the strong interest for greenways in the Raleigh, NC area and the university's renowned programs in Parks and Recreation, Landscape Design, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences. For several years, however, the Archive remained undeveloped, consisting primarily of the Little papers.

1,424 read

This digital collection consists of ca. 150 items, 1949-1956, chiefly letters and writings of Clifford K. Beck relating to the establishment and building of the first nuclear reactor at North Carolina State College and the establishment of the Nuclear Engineering program.

During the construction and test phases, numerous memorandum passed between project participants. These crucial documents detail experimental results and reactor specifications. Dr. Raymond L. Murray collected, saved, and donated these crucial documents to the NC State University Archives at the Raymond L. Murray Raleigh Research Reactor Project Notebook project site.

2,179 reads

    Introduction DrMetcalf provides online access to information on cicadas , leafhoppers , planthoppers , spittlebugs , and treehoppers , including a searchable bibliographic database for retrieving literature on these groups, which together comprise the group Auchenorrhyncha . The database includes nearly 12,000 early publications (1741-1955). Few electronic databases cover the early literature for any insect group. Because the focal groups are common and widespread, users may find the database helpful for retrieving many older works on insects in general. DrMetcalf also includes an overview of the group Auchenorrhyncha and each of its major subgroups.

1,900 read

THE idea of writing this Treatise suggested itself to me a considerable time since, from knowing the repeated inquiries that had been made for such a book; and after perusing, I believe, every work that has been published on the subject, I was fully convinced of the necessity of such a work, adapted to the present improved practice. Of the works on Surveying, I may say, they are all elementary, and of ante-date, no treatise, that I am aware of, having been published since the fine mathematical instruments at present in use have been considered a necessary adjunct to the successful prosecution of land surveying. Of the treatises published on levelling, there is only one of recent date, by Mr.

1,462 read

Project Information Phase I Thanks to a grant from the State Library of North Carolina, North Carolina ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) in 2001, The North Carolina State University Libraries' Special Collections Research Center, in collaboration with the Biltmore Company in Asheville and the Forest History Society in Durham, created an online resource for research and information on forestry history in the state of North Carolina. The partners established this web site to provide access to collections of rare and unique items for the general public, students and scholars. During the first phase of the project, the partner institutions digitized primary research materials, including photographs, diaries, correspondence, artifacts, and printed materials. The Carl A.

1,626 read

The USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS) is a collaborative project between Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University and several agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The system contains nearly 2500 reports and datasets. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Available titles include both current and historical data. Many of the current titles are available via email subscription.
Using the navigational panel which appears on the left side of every page on this system you may search for titles, browse all of the titles from an agency, or browse for titles by subject. The help link in the navigation bar may be used to obtain help from any page.

1,845 read

About the Stevens Family Papers This is a collection of correspondence and other papers relating to Robert S. Stevens' work as manager of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway and the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, and to his investments in Kansas lands. This collection is dated from 1805 - 1899. For more information, go to the Guide to the Stevens Family Papers . For additional information about Cornell University Library's Archival Guides, go to the Guides for Archival and Manuscript Collections . For reference questions, please complete our reference form . For feedback about this website, contact rmcweb@cornell.edu .

2,050 reads

The 220 models in Cornell University's Reuleaux Collection were built in the late 19th century to demonstrate the elements of machine motion, as theorized by the German engineer Franz Reuleaux. The University acquired the models in 1882 for use in teaching and research. This is KMODDL's core collection and at present is the most extensively documented and enhanced with multimedia resources.

1,290 read

About This Collection In 1925, a Cornell professor of apiculture named Everett Franklin Phillips set out to create a major repository of literature on bees and beekeeping. He envisioned this library as an "accessible storehouse of our knowledge of bees and beekeeping." By 1926, Phillips had persuaded over 223 people from twenty-nine states and twenty-six foreign countries to donate thousands of books and pamphlets, and the E.F. Phillips Beekeeping Collection at Cornell was born. Perhaps Phillips' biggest coup was his ingenious plan for raising the money necessary for creating the library's endowment: he convinced hundreds of New York state beekeepers to set aside one of their hives for the library.

1,730 read

CUGIR: Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository About the Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR) CUGIR is an active online data and metadata repository and a participating node in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure program. CUGIR provides open and free access to geospatial data and metadata for New York State, with special emphasis on natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions. Subjects such as landforms and topography, soils, hydrology, environmental hazards, agricultural activities, wildlife and natural resource management are appropriate for inclusion in the CUGIR catalog.

1,857 read

about the project introduction The Cornell Historic Math Monograph Collection consists of digital surrogates for materials that were part of a joint study involving Digital Preservation between Cornell University and the Xerox Corporation. Begun in 1990, a process was developed where brittle and decaying books were digitally scanned, using prototype equipment co-developed by Cornell and the Xerox Corporation (the CLASS scanner) and stored as 600dpi, bitonal TIFF images, compressed with ITU Group 4 compression, on digital platters on an EPOCH "jukebox" digital server. Facsimiles of these books were generated and the books were returned to the shelves. The images were available online using specially developed clients in Unix, MAC and PC platforms.

1,550 read

The story of American agriculture is captured in a broad band of documentary resources ranging from the memoirs and transactions of early agriculture societies to newspapers and almanacs; family, community, and corporate archives; and state and county extension service publications. The evolution of farm and rural life and agricultural economy is chronicled in the agriculture periodical press and the numerous local, regional, and national farm journals that exhorted, informed, and shaped the opinions, values, and concerns of early farm families. Journals such as Country Life in America , Cappers' Farmer , and Farm and Family have much to tell historians about the daily activities, issues, and practices of the time.

1,667 read

The Billie Jean Isbell Andean Collection This collection of materials is derived from my years of research in the Andes, primarily in the southern Andean department of Ayacucho and specifically in the village of Chuschi, Peru and the surrounding region of the River Pampas Valley in the province of Cangallo. I began research for an undergraduate honors' thesis in 1967 and the earliest images are from that date and continue through 2002. Included in this collection are approximately 1500 photographs, thirteen songs, my ethnography, To Defend Ourselves: Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village , as well as selected publications. - Billie Jean Isbell, 2005 Visit Professor Isbell's latest project:

6,846 reads

About the Collection The OSU Seed and Nursery Trade catalogue collection contains over 2,000 items from 1832 to 1966. While the collection is most comprehensive in its representation of American catalogues from the 1940s, it contains many older examples from North America, Great Britain, and Holland, as well other European and Asian countries. Former agricultural librarian Laura Kelts compiled the collection from various sources in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, it was stored in a locked room of the science area of the library, where space was at a premium. In 1986, the new Special Collections unit was formed and the collection was moved there, where it resides today. Seed and nursery trade catalogues are lists of seeds or plants available for sale.

2,022 reads

  browse through the collection without a specific search   search multiple fields at one time and limit search results   view collection items you have saved to your own favorites page   ask an archivist about this site or any aspect of OSU archives   Click on the highlighted areas.

1,387 read

The specimens are classified according to biological nomenclature. Thus each unique name traces to an original description, published over the past 250 years. The earliest valid names trace to the seminal works of Linnaeus. The vast majority of names originated with the 19th century exploration of the American West. However, new species continue to be discovered and described today. Any research into the application of biological nomenclature requires an evaluation of the original description. Our ultimate goal is to make available digitized original descriptions of all 4500 plant taxa (species, subspecies and varieties) in the Oregon flora.

1,576 read

About - Columbia River Basin Project Background The University of Oregon Libraries are participating in a collaborative project to develop a digital collection of print, image, cartographic, and other format materials relating to the waters of the Western United States. The project is partially funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and is administered centrally by the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) of which the UO Libraries are a member. The Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL) is a distributed collection of materials from research institutions in the Western United States of America.

1,493 read

About the Collection The Middle East Water Collection provides access to roughly 9000 items on political, socio-economic, demographic, and legal issues of water in the Middle East. Materials include data, books, journal and newspaper articles, and documents published in the Middle East, Europe, and North America originating from a variety of publishers and national and multinational agencies and organizations. Materials in the public domain are available in full text from this website. More materials from the original collection will be added online as copyright permissions are granted. This website may be used as a search interface for the complete collection of M|E Water materials housed on the 3rd floor of the OSU Valley Library.

1,668 read

The three sections of The Scientific War Work of Linus C. Pauling combine to provide an unusually rich source of information on Linus Pauling's intriguing body of research conducted on behalf of the Allied effort during World War II. Navigate between the sections by using the links on the site's home page or by using the links at the top of any page within the site. Narrative - The first section tells the story of Pauling's work with the National Defense Research Committee, among other important groups, in developing tools meant to benefit the Allied cause in the European and Pacific theatres.

2,039 reads

Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA: A Documentary History is comprised of three large sub-sections, each of which tells the story of the discovery of the double helix in a different way. Navigation between sub-sections may be achieved either through use of the links provided on the site homepage or through use of the links located in the header of each page within the site. Narrative - The first section - a thirty-four "chapter" Narrative - recounts the saga of the discovery from the largely unknown viewpoint of the major "loser" in the race: the phenomenal American chemist Linus Pauling (1901-1994). There are three components to each page of the Narrative.

1,952 read