THE idea of writing this Treatise suggested itself to me a considerable time since, from knowing the repeated inquiries that had been made for such a book; and after perusing, I believe, every work that has been published on the subject, I was fully convinced of the necessity of such a work, adapted to the present improved practice. Of the works on Surveying, I may say, they are all elementary, and of ante-date, no treatise, that I am aware of, having been published since the fine mathematical instruments at present in use have been considered a necessary adjunct to the successful prosecution of land surveying. Of the treatises published on levelling, there is only one of recent date, by Mr.
Civil service | Engineering | English | Geodesy | Geography | Image | Land management | North Carolina | North Carolina State University | Peter Bruff | Surveying | Text | United States | Construction & Materials | Engineering | Business & Reference | Science & Technology
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