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20 Years of Culture Clash CULTURE CLASH IS RICHARD MONTOYA, RIC SALINAS, AND HERBERT SIGÜENZA. The Latino/Chicano comedy and theatre group was born on Cinco de Mayo, 1984 at René Yáñez's Galeria de la Raza in San Francisco, California. Originally composed of six members, this innovative troupe gained a place in the national spotlight with their 1988 play, The Mission.

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12 key Scottish plays

Over the last 40 years we have seen many notable Scottish plays on stage.

Scottish theatre has reflected the times and the nation. Scottish playwrights have included activists, thinkers, show-offs, entertainers, and a genius or two.
Major plays and playwrights

This website introduces 12 of the major plays and major playwrights of Scotland – but there are many more worth exploring.

Here we take a tour through the political days of the 1970s and 1980s and the outward-looking years of the 1990s. We come up to date with the new millennium that has brought us – at last – a national company and a world hit.

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Scope and Content The digital collection includes 1,800 images documenting 195 performances. The images were selected from the Mark Avery Collection housed at the Archives at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries (UWM Libraries). The finding aid for the archival collection can be found at: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-mil-uwmmss0155 . Mark Avery worked as the staff photographer for the Milwaukee Repertory Theater Company from 1976 to 1994.

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Overture At many universities, athletics was said to unite the student body, but at Washington before the First World War, dramatics came closest to filling that role ... With no more than occasional help from faculty members, usually in the English Department, and a few theater buffs in the city, students made Washington University the busiest center of theatrical activity in St. Louis --Ralph Morrow, Washington University in St. Louis: A History , p.242. In Curtain Time , the story of student performing arts at the University is told through programs, music scores, photographs, sound recordings, video, and artifacts from the University's historical record.

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These two volumes from the Beinecke's collections were digitized to coincide with The Great Mirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Bubbles of 1720 , a symposium co-sponsored by the Yale School of Management International Center for Finance , held at Yale University in April 2008. The starting point for this conference was an extraordinary volume likely published in 1720, The Great Mirror of Folly (or, in the original Dutch, Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid ). Early versions of this folio were published in Amsterdam within months of the 1720 economic crashes that roiled the stock markets of England, France, and the Dutch Provinces.

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