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Protesta Humana This collection contains rare examples of anarchist, socialist, and communist newspapers published in Buenos Aires during the late nineteenth century. The UCLA Digital Library Program is working with members of the History Department to provide these newspapers in searchable full-text versions. Esta colección contiene ejemplos raros de los periódicos anarquista, socialista, y comunista publicados en Buenos Aires durante el a fines del siglo diecinueve.

2,284 reads

       The written literature about Inuit/Eskimo peoples is a rich resource of great value to today’s students, scholars, educators, researchers, and northern residents. Yet many of the most interesting and valuable accounts derived from early contact situations are rare, out-of-print, or otherwise unavailable—especially to northern communities. The goal of the Hubert Wenger Eskimo Database project has been to make many of these early and primary accounts more widely available through digital media.         Nearly 200 titles—primarily books and journal articles—have been included in the database and are uniformly searchable with powerful text-retrieval software.

2,989 reads

The Ted Stevens Papers Collection documents the career of Theodore Fulton (Ted) Stevens (1923-2010), Senator from the State of Alaska from 1968-2009, the longest-serving Republican member of the United States Congress. Stevens was a leading force in the creation of legislation concerning Alaska???s economic, social and cultural development. The collection, measuring nearly 5000 cubic feet in its entirety, contains the history of Stevens??? long senatorial career, and chronicles Alaska???s transition from a newly-minted state to a significant player in US history. Documents within the collection relate to the administrative, legislative and political functions of Stevens??? office.

2,051 reads

Latest News Clarence Alexander Long Time Jukebox Contributor is Honored by President Obama Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/14/2011 - 09:19 Watch Clarence's climate change interview at Stakeholders & Climate Change Bethel Communities of Memory is now available The Bethel Communities of Memory Project Jukebox features people from the Bethel area talking about life in their remote community. The original gathering took place in 1996, but many of the stories still hold true. Dog Mushing in Alaska Project Jukebox is live! The Dog Mushing in Alaska Project Jukebox website features oral histories, historic film clips, and still photographs to highlight various aspects of dog mushing in Alaska.

2,280 reads

About Alaska's Digital Archives The Alaska Virtual Library and Digital Archives project is a collaborative effort initiated by the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Consortium Library at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and the Alaska State Library in Juneau. Learn more about our partners . Now in its third phase, the initiative is funded by a congressional award and contributions from these institutions with additional support of the Rasmuson Foundation. The goal of the project is to support the instructional and research needs of Alaskans and others interested in Alaska history and culture. Initial activities focused on scanning, indexing, and placing 5,000 historical images into an online, searchable database.

2,888 reads

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. Maintained by UAF-APR-reference-Service@alaska.edu Page last modified Website designed by WebWeavers Technology Group

1,469 read

Have questions? Project Title:  Idaho Waters Digital Library About the Project: The Idaho Waters Digital Library provides access to information resources relating to water issues in key Idaho river basins.  The collection presently includes scientific and technical reports, with an emphasis on Idaho Water Resources Research Institute reports and publications.  This centralized digital repository provides a searchable interface for discovery and utilization of water resources documents.  As funding sources are identified, this collection will continue to grow in size and scope.  Digitized materials from this collection are also available through the Western Waters Digital Library .

2,165 reads

About the Collection The Family Tree was a newsletter published by Potlatch Forests, Inc. for their employees from 1936 - 1952. The newsletter covers local (Northern Idaho) and national events, with a special focus on issues pertaining to Potlatch Forests, Inc. and its loggers and other employees. The content varies greatly — from reports on the head injuries of sawmill workers to editorials on the war crimes of Hirohito , written near the end of WWII — and is consistently well-written and evocative of the daily life of Potlatch workers and their families during these years. Some other interesting Family Tree articles include: The collection was digitized in the summer of 2010, per user request.

1,954 read

About Lewiston Orchards Life Lewiston Orchards Life was a neighborhood newsletter published in Lewiston, Idaho during the early 1900s that covered the horticultural and residential events of those living in Lewiston Orchards. Special Collection & Archives at the University of Idaho Library holds fourteen issues as part of their Day Northwest Collection. About Lewiston Orchards Now a residential neighborhood in Lewiston, Idaho, Lewiston Orchards was once a vast commercial garden. The area produced apples, apricots, cherries, berries, plums, pears, quinces, peaches, nuts, lettuce, and grapes in abundance. The ???Orchards??? grew out of an ambitious land development and irrigation project, which was conceived and undertaken by Harry L. Powers at the turn of the 20th century.

1,913 read

ABOUT THE CAMP The Kooskia (pronounced KOOS-key) Internment Camp is an obscure and virtually forgotten World War II detention facility that was located in a remote area of north central Idaho, 30 miles from the town of Kooskia, and 6 miles east of the hamlet of Lowell, at Canyon Creek. The camp was administered by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) for the U.S. Department of Justice. It held men of Japanese ancestry who were termed "enemy aliens," even though most of them were long-time U.S. residents.

1,402 read

About Us The University of Idaho Library has grown from a single classroom located in the University Administration Building in 1892, to become the largest library in the state of Idaho. The University of Idaho library houses well over a million books and almost ten thousand periodical subscriptions, in print and online. It has served for over a century as an official regional depository of U.S. federal government publications, making almost two million government documents available to the public.

1,638 read

Questions? The Historical Gameday Program Covers Collection consists of about 150 program covers and corresponding metadata, covering the years 1908 to 1967 and including both home and away games. Covers can be browsed by place or date, using the Locations and Timeline tabs. Full programs can be browsed by request via a visit to the University of Idaho Library Special Collections & Archives department. The visual and creative skills that informed the creation of these covers demonstrate both the artistic and historical styles of their time periods. If you are interested in ordering a high resolution copy of one of these images, please contact Special Collections at libspec@uidaho.edu .

1,304 read

A digital collection comprised of historical photograhs and documents pertaining to the history of the Dworshak Dam, selected primarily from the collection of A. B. Curtis, former mayor of Orofino, Idaho. The images and documents span the years 1952 to 1972, documenting both the legislative history that led to the dam's construction and the construction itself. To explore the collection by date or location, or to find out more about the collection, use the tabs above. Questions? questions? Contact Devin: dbecker@uidaho.edu (208) 885-7040 The Dworshak Dam Collection is a collection that is still under development.

1,556 read

The Columbia River Basin Project Begun with the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam in 1933, the Columbia River Basin Project is one of the largest, and most contentious, engineering projects ever completed in the American West. Franklin Roosevelt originally authorized the construction of the dam with the intention of diverting huge portions of the Columbia River to the fertile, though arid, Washington State Interior.??With the outbreak of World War II, however, irrigation initiatives were put on hold, and hydroelectric power became the dam's primary function. This change in use proved important historically.

1,149 read

About the Fires The spring of 1910 was ominously dry throughout Idaho, Washington, and Montana. In the Coeur d’Alene National Forest alone, U.S. Forest Service officials had been battling fires since early April. In July, a rainless electrical storm ignited even more blazes across the Northern Rockies. Bad as it was, conditions got worse. On August 20, a “Palouser” wind whipped through the forests, creating an inferno now known as the Big Burn. The fires took the lives of nearly 90 people, leveled entire communities, burned almost 3 million acres of timber, and set US Forest Service fire policy for the next 6 decades. ?? About the Collection These materials come from the University of Idaho Library's Special Collections and Archives department.

1,457 read

Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Number 1, September 1892 About the Collection The History The diffusion of useful and practical, research-based information on agriculture and related subjects has been a primary responsibility of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station and University of Idaho Extension since their beginnings. The University of Idaho Board of Regents established the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station at the UI in 1892 following passage of the federal Hatch Act (1887), which provided for the creation of agricultural experiment stations at state land-grant colleges.

1,393 read

A Case of Considerable Interest An exhibition celebrating the 35 th anniversary of the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection of the Toronto Public Library “Well, my boy, what do you think of this lot?” he asked, smiling at my expression. “It is a curious collection.” “Very curious, and the story that hangs round it will strike you as being more curious still.” - Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Watson in “The Musgrave ritual” by Arthur Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) is best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes, but he was also the author of many other works and one of the best known public figures of the late Victorian age.

1,463 read

The Toronto Public Library (TPL) has long been committed to an active exhibition program for its Local History and Special Collections in the Canada Trust Gallery at the Toronto Reference Library and other Library venues. The virtual version of All Aboard Toronto ? Railways and the Growth of a City , fully re-creates the exhibition on display in our Gallery from August 4 ? October 7, 2001. The exhibition explores Toronto railway history and its impact on the development of the city from the 1850s to the end of the steam era in the mid 20th century. It is illustrated with over a hundred collection items including paintings, drawings, maps, postcards, broadsides and other ephemera.

2,288 reads

The Osborne Collection encompasses the development of English-language children's literature, ranging from a 14 th -century manuscript of Aesop's fables through 15 th -century traditional tales, 16 th -century school texts and courtesy books, Puritan works, 18 th -century chapbooks, moral tales and rational recreations, Victorian classics of fantasy, adventure and school stories, up to 1910 – the end of the Edwardian era. The Collection is enriched with the Lillian H. Smith Collection of modern notable English-language books and with Canadiana materials that together illustrate the links between the early and modern books, and provide a rich resource of our vibrant Canadian heritage, preserved for future generations.

1,590 read

, Toronto Public Library's virtual exhibition that celebrates 10,000 years of the city's history. It recreates the exhibition on display at the TD Gallery, Toronto Reference Library, June 29 - September 22, 2002 and May 17 - August 2, 2003. Images are from the Library's Special Collections and private collections. The virtual exhibition is divided into five eras, beginning with the first human presence in the city 8000 BC and ending with modern city of 2003. You can explore the city's past by clicking one of the images on the map or a time period on the navigation bar. Each era begins with an Overview History , which summarizes the major trends and developments that shaped that time period.

1,744 read

Kabuki is a performing art that combines music, dance, pantomime, song, drama and comedy. In the early 1600s kabuki emerged from traditional Japanese classical theatre and puppet show traditions, incorporating elements of both.

While classical plays are quiet, refined and slow-paced, kabuki is full of spirited action and outsized emotions. Kabuki plays portray characters from Japanese history, legend and folk tales. Great heroes, beautiful princesses, evil spirits, loyal retainers, vengeful warriers and benevolent lords populate the stage. These stories have continued to grip the Japanese imagination, embodying as they do the much-valued ideals of loyalty, courage and strength.

2,367 reads