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Category: Science & Technology, Image, Environment

13 results


About Us Read more Founded in 1915, the Cornell Lab is a nonprofit organization supported by 45,000 friends and members . Our vibrant community includes 200,000 citizen-science participants from all walks of life and 5 million bird enthusiasts of all ages who connect with us online at All About Birds. As a proud unit of Cornell University we have ten faculty on staff and access to world-class resources.  As a nonprofit environmental organization, however, we depend on members, donors, research, and our other programs for 99 percent of our operating budget. Your support will result in direct impacts and improvements for conservation science. We invite you to join us as a member of the Lab .

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2,154 reads

The primary mission of Catena, the Digital Archive of Historic Gardens and Landscapes, is to fill a void in American higher education by assembling a searchable collection of historic and contemporary images that include plans, engravings, paintings, and photographs to make the following possible: Provide Images for Teaching Landscape Studies Catena offers a readily available set of images to illustrate classroom lectures.

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About the Everglades Digital Library The Everglades Digital Library (EDL) is a service of the Digital Collections Center at Florida International University Libraries in Miami, Florida. The EDL was established in 1996 to support research, education, decision making, and information resource management within the greater Everglades community. Since that time, the project has grown to serve patrons from around the world with Web-accessible digital collections, the online reference service 'Ask An Everglades Librarian', and other online information services.

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Have questions? Project Title:  Idaho Waters Digital Library About the Project: The Idaho Waters Digital Library provides access to information resources relating to water issues in key Idaho river basins.  The collection presently includes scientific and technical reports, with an emphasis on Idaho Water Resources Research Institute reports and publications.  This centralized digital repository provides a searchable interface for discovery and utilization of water resources documents.  As funding sources are identified, this collection will continue to grow in size and scope.  Digitized materials from this collection are also available through the Western Waters Digital Library .

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2,163 reads

Whether they are in the circus or the zoo, in the field, the stream or the air, on a dinner plate or an altar, animals have fascinated humanity from its earliest origins. Selected from Toronto Public Library’s rare books, original art and postcard collections, this survey features prints from Audubon’s Quadrupeds , images of wild and domestic animals as well as animals at play. Yes, animals are allowed in the library-roaming through thousands of pages, over hundreds of years.

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Walter Tennyson Swingle Walter Tennyson Swingle (1871 - 1952) was a renowned botantist and one of the twentieth century's foremost authorities on citrus plants. In 1943, after 50 years of service to the United States Department of Agriculture, he was given a position on the faculty of the University of Miami by President Bowman F. Ashe who was impressed with Swingle?s vision of tropical botany. Swingle was given the title Consultant of Tropical Botany and set up the Plant Research Laboratory in the old Botany building in Coral Gables. At UM, Swingle completed his monograph "The Botany of Citrus and its Relatives of the Orange Subfamily" which remains the premier reference for the taxonomy, morphology, and anatomy of these plants.

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Project Information Phase I Thanks to a grant from the State Library of North Carolina, North Carolina ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) in 2001, The North Carolina State University Libraries' Special Collections Research Center, in collaboration with the Biltmore Company in Asheville and the Forest History Society in Durham, created an online resource for research and information on forestry history in the state of North Carolina. The partners established this web site to provide access to collections of rare and unique items for the general public, students and scholars. During the first phase of the project, the partner institutions digitized primary research materials, including photographs, diaries, correspondence, artifacts, and printed materials. The Carl A.

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  browse through the collection without a specific search   search multiple fields at one time and limit search results   view collection items you have saved to your own favorites page   ask an archivist about this site or any aspect of OSU archives   Click on the highlighted areas.

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1,383 read

About - Columbia River Basin Project Background The University of Oregon Libraries are participating in a collaborative project to develop a digital collection of print, image, cartographic, and other format materials relating to the waters of the Western United States. The project is partially funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and is administered centrally by the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) of which the UO Libraries are a member. The Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL) is a distributed collection of materials from research institutions in the Western United States of America.

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1,486 read

Oregon Explorer is a comprehensive digital library of Oregon's natural resources. This state-of-the-art, Web-based resource uses advanced information technology to access and integrate data from state and federal agencies, local governments, university scientists, citizens, and K-12 educators and students. It supports informed decisions and actions by people concerned with Oregon's natural resources and environment.

Through a series of geographic, data and topic-based Web portals, Oregon Explorer helps users:

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2,000 reads

Garden and Forest is the first project of the Preservation Digital Reformatting Program in the Library of Congress's Preservation Reformatting Division. It is the first Library of Congress digitizing project to employ Making of America models. Making of America Making of America (MOA) is a digital library comprising reproductions of primary source materials in American social history published in the late-nineteenth century. The original collaborative effort between the University of Michigan and Cornell University to create MOA was funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

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1,437 read

American Environmental Photographs, 1891-1936 Browse Collection by: Collection Connection Classroom resources for teachers About This Collection The images in the American Environmental Photographs Collection were created by faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Botany at the University of Chicago from the 1890s to the 1930s. Among the most active photographers contributing to the collection were Henry C. Cowles, George D. Fuller, George E. Nichols, Charles J. Chamberlain, Ira B. Meyer, Paul J. Sedgwick, William J. Cribbs, and Ezra J. Kraus. The earliest photographs in the collection were taken in 1891 in the arid desert landscapes of California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada.

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Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 South Central China and Tibet: Hotspot of Diversity For over a century, Arboretum staff have explored and documented the natural and cultural resources of Asia. In 1924, a three-year expedition departed for one of the most unusual areas on earth—the first of many Arboretum expeditions to a region that is floristically one of the richest in the world. Seventy years later, other Arboretum expeditions returned to collect and inventory the flora.

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