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Category: Social Sciences, E-Journal, English, Literature

3 results


Primeros Libros Project Agreement The Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI project will build a digital collection of the first books printed in Mexico before 1601. These monographs are very important because they represent the first printing in the New World and provide primary sources for scholarly studies focused on a variety of academic fields. Approximately 220 unique titles are held in institutions around the world with most held in Mexico and the United States.

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2,585 reads

These books have been digitised and converted to web format at the Centre for Digital Library Research . Research is continuing into ebook development and indexing, partly funded by the University of Strathclyde Research and Development Fund.

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1,791 read

About Scholars' Bank Welcome to Scholars' Bank , an open-access digital repository created to capture, distribute and preserve the intellectual output of the University of Oregon. Scholars' Bank is maintained by the University of Oregon Libraries, under the coordination of Digital Library Services . Using the open-source software DSpace, available from MIT and Hewlett Packard, Scholars' Bank provides stable, long-term storage needed to house the digital products of UO faculty and researchers. If you are interested in starting a community or contributing to an existing community contact a Scholars' Bank representative at scholars@uoregon.edu .

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