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University of Alaska Fairbanks

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution. Maintained by UAF-APR-reference-Service@alaska.edu Page last modified Website designed by WebWeavers Technology Group

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About Alaska's Digital Archives The Alaska Virtual Library and Digital Archives project is a collaborative effort initiated by the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Consortium Library at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and the Alaska State Library in Juneau. Learn more about our partners . Now in its third phase, the initiative is funded by a congressional award and contributions from these institutions with additional support of the Rasmuson Foundation. The goal of the project is to support the instructional and research needs of Alaskans and others interested in Alaska history and culture. Initial activities focused on scanning, indexing, and placing 5,000 historical images into an online, searchable database.

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Bradford Washburn Photograph Collection The Bradford Washburn Collection The Alaska and Polar Regions Collections holds many of the more than 8,700 large format (8"x10") black-and-white negatives that Bradford Washburn created between 1937 and 1976. These are aerial images he took using methods that ranged from shooting photographs out the open door of a Bellanca Skyrocket with a modified Fairchild K-6 camera resting on his lap, to the use of a Learjet whose rear emergency window had been modified with a three-quarter inch optical glass photo-window. The University does not hold all of Washburn’s negatives. Some negatives remained with Washburn; others were sent to his authorized art gallery dealer: Panopticon . This gallery produces high-quality art images and posters.

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Certain threads have been woven into the history of Alaska since the first appearance of Whites, hundreds of years ago. These include the search for wealth, the role of the military as a governing body, a mobile and changing population, interaction with Native peoples, a boom-and-bust economy, and a free-wheeling attitude on the part of many who came from elsewhere.

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Latest News Clarence Alexander Long Time Jukebox Contributor is Honored by President Obama Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/14/2011 - 09:19 Watch Clarence's climate change interview at Stakeholders & Climate Change Bethel Communities of Memory is now available The Bethel Communities of Memory Project Jukebox features people from the Bethel area talking about life in their remote community. The original gathering took place in 1996, but many of the stories still hold true. Dog Mushing in Alaska Project Jukebox is live! The Dog Mushing in Alaska Project Jukebox website features oral histories, historic film clips, and still photographs to highlight various aspects of dog mushing in Alaska.

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The Ted Stevens Papers Collection documents the career of Theodore Fulton (Ted) Stevens (1923-2010), Senator from the State of Alaska from 1968-2009, the longest-serving Republican member of the United States Congress. Stevens was a leading force in the creation of legislation concerning Alaska???s economic, social and cultural development. The collection, measuring nearly 5000 cubic feet in its entirety, contains the history of Stevens??? long senatorial career, and chronicles Alaska???s transition from a newly-minted state to a significant player in US history. Documents within the collection relate to the administrative, legislative and political functions of Stevens??? office.

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2,013 reads

       The written literature about Inuit/Eskimo peoples is a rich resource of great value to today’s students, scholars, educators, researchers, and northern residents. Yet many of the most interesting and valuable accounts derived from early contact situations are rare, out-of-print, or otherwise unavailable—especially to northern communities. The goal of the Hubert Wenger Eskimo Database project has been to make many of these early and primary accounts more widely available through digital media.         Nearly 200 titles—primarily books and journal articles—have been included in the database and are uniformly searchable with powerful text-retrieval software.

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